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Should You Be Cleaning Your Gutters?

For many people who live in the Florida Panhandle, gutters are a common occurrence on homes. They help to collect rainwater and move it away from the home. Unfortunately, many people neglect to properly clean their gutters, resulting in a variety of problems. Today, we’re discussing whether you should be cleaning your gutters and how it can benefit your roof and home. Have any questions? Interested in scheduling an appointment with Timberman Roofing in Valparaiso? Contact us today, we offer free inspections and estimates and we’d be happy to help with any of your roofing/rain gutter needs.

Picture of Rain Gutters That Need To Be Cleaned

Why Should I Clean My Gutters?

As mentioned above, gutters are designed to collect rain from the roof and carry it away from the house via downspouts. In order to properly function, both gutters and downspouts should be cleared, without doing so overflow of water can occur.

When water collects and has nowhere to go it will begin to fill up gutters and overflow onto the roof or even foundation of the home. This could cause water to seep into the crawl space and even begin to destroy the foundation. It can also increase the risk of water damage to the roof as well, ultimately leading to leaks. Mold is another big issue that can occur when neglecting to address gutters and downspouts properly.

Along with the water issues, clogged gutters can also increase weight strain on the roof and fascia of your home. Ultimately, gutters could collapse and fall off your home completely, causing damage to the roof and exterior of your home.

Can Timberman Roofing Help With My Rain Gutter Needs?

Timberman Roofing proudly offers rain gutter repair and installation. Whether your home, office, or other building has no gutters and needs a system installed, you are interested in gutter guards, or you already have a rain gutter system that needs some help. Reach out today and we'd be happy to provide an inspection at no cost.

Contact Timberman Roofing in Valparaiso Today

Have your gutters been clogged? Worried it may have caused damage to the roof of your home? Interested in a professional opinion? Contact our Valparaiso roofing company today, we would be happy to help your gutter and roofing needs.

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