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New Year’s Roofing Resolutions

When it comes to our homes, the roof may just be one of the most important parts. It keeps your home structurally sound and your family safe throughout the year. At Timberman Roofing, we often see neglected roofs, needing costly repairs and even replacements. Today, we’re discussing New Year’s roofing resolutions that could benefit any home or business owner. Have questions? Think you may need Valparaiso roofing services? Reach out to Timberman Roofing today, we’d be happy to help with any of your needs and can provide a free inspection and quote.

Picture of Valparaiso Roofing Inspection Being Done

Roofing Inspections

When it comes to roofing problems, they are often caught once things become a more serious problem. Scheduling periodic inspections can help to catch even minor wear-and-tear/damage before it has the opportunity to become a bigger issue.

Attic Evaluations

Along with having your roof inspected, the attic of your home along with insulation should also be looked at every once and awhile. When your attic doesn’t vent properly, it can lead to extreme heat and damage to the structures that support it.

Roofing Repairs

Following any inspections, it is recommended to take their advice and quickly address any problems with roofing repairs. When it comes to roofing damage, even the most minor problems can quickly escalate into a serious problem. Addressing problems as soon as you know about them could save you lots of money in the long run.

Gutter Cleanings

Although not exactly your “roof”, gutters can play an important role in the health of your roofing and supporting structures. We recommend cleaning your gutters any time you notice that they are close to full, once full, water doesn’t drain properly, eventually leading to damage to your roof and even siding.

Contact Our Valparaiso Roofing Company Today

Interested in starting your New Year’s roofing resolutions? Think you may need a roofing inspection in Valparaiso? Ready to schedule repairs? Contact Timberman Roofing today to get started, we’d be happy to assist and offer free inspections and estimates.

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